Monday 21 January 2013

Sunny Days After the Storm

It's a Monday, probably the worst day of the week because the weekend has just ended, and the daunting reality of another working day is staring us straight in the eye. Well they say, every cloud has a silver lining-so I believe this week will have one too.

I'm at the final lap of university life and my oh my how time flies. I remember at one point not knowing what I really wanted to do and, the discussions and arguments leading to the course I finally ended up pursuing. Finishing was inevitable; I knew it but couldn't see it. However, as the days grow closer I see my silver lining more clearly.

It seems like just the other day when I was complaining at the lack of courses available, and then the challenges got a bit tougher. Clashing classes, other people we started with graduated, and then anxieties of completing my units on time plus getting internship kicked in. Pressure! Soon it was time for me to tighten my laces, put my very best, everything that I was saving up and run like I had never run before.

 Last semester I was busy stressing as to whether I will get internship or not, or if I will get the remaining courses to graduate, the pressure was looming. At first, I was hopeless then thanks to significant figures in my life plus remembering who I serve and belong to I found some ray of hope and faith.

 For starters, my name appeared on the list of those who will be graduating come 2013. Big grin, heart-heart-skip a beat and happy floating feeling on the inside. What followed was managing to get the course I needed to be offered this semester and last but not least-guess where I am now…in an office. Yes, you read right. I got internship!!!I was taken in as an intern in a PR firm and I'm thanking God. Loud screams, and shouts of the joy as the crowd, which consists of me, myself and I, cheer out loud.

 2013 seems to hold much promise. Before you start telling me that that is what everyone says at the beginning of the year, I can honestly say this time I see things differently, besides-it is our year of Jubilee. I for see the clearing of many storms, and as the clouds begin to clear the silver linings will reveal and the coming of many bright sunny days.

Till the next time,
Theng'e: Signing Out

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