Thursday 28 June 2012


Yesterday I got the scare of my life. I've never seen life to be as vivid or short as then. I had been crafting a few necklaces and bracelets, trying to make some 'mulla'. The way our economy is, life is hard: so I best try to achieve financial independence as soon as possible but only through the right means. Back to the story, I had probably worked until around 1.30-2.00am or so, and I was tired. As I was having my 'snuck' (what do you call midnight supper?snuck=from supper/snack may be?) I remember hearing the dogs barking wildly. At first I ignored until I heard a long loud sound overhead. "What could it be," I wondered?

It sounded like an airplane at first but it lasted too long to be an airplane. It then sounded like a really loud buzz, somewhat like a call, a horn or trumpet of some sort that went on  and on. At this point I began to get nervous, may be it was the sound of the last trumpet. Had the world come to an end?

Previously I had been reading the book of Revelation-all about end times and it spoke of signs of the end. I remember something about a trumpet going off worldwide where everyone would hear and soon God would come and take His people. I don't remember what the order was: trumpet, people disappearing happening at the same time or separately,or God coming before, after or as all this happens.I don't know. One thing was definitely certain, I was terribly freaked out because according to my calculation of events, the end might indeed have come. SCREAM!  My biggest fear was the possibility of being left behind.Was I ready for this?

Sure, it sounds funny now but then it was not. I felt so confused, scared and sad. Confused because how was I going to escape this looming danger (of being left behind)? It was one of those moments you honestly know you need to pray & very hard for that matter but you feel that you can't. It's either your tongue-tied or feel too wrong to pray or so entangled that nothing comes out. Scared because I knew that if the world had really come to an end then I was finished, damned for that matter The grace period would be over and the only way out of the earth would be death. A gruesome death. :-(. Of course I did not want that. I hate any level of pain so definitely not the most ideal of situations. Sad, because I  had perhaps been left behind and been doomed to die a terrible death . Sadder still that there was a possibility that there was no remedy for this. That if it really was the end then my prayers, pleas for forgiveness were hopeless: hell and the burning lake of sulfur was a reality I may endear.

I tried praying but all that came out was," Lord, I'm sorry for all my sins. Please forgive me. Please forgive me. Do not leave me behind. Please don't let me get left behind. I can't handle it. I know you're not supposed to listen to me at this point but please, please don't let me get left behind. I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

I probably went on half praying, half wondering if that was what was really going on. I thought of calling some of my close more spiritual friends and find out whether they were gone, so to speak, or if they were still around. I didn't have enough airtime to do so, so that one went down the drain. I then thought of checking if my mum and sis (but mostly mum) were still there but I could not-at least not my mum.  How? Was I going to bang on my parents door at 2.00am going to 3am, and say, "Hi, thought the world was ending so just checking if you're still around." Definitely not. I did however check to see if my sis was still there and found her in deep slumber. I breathed a sigh of relief but was still a but unsure. I decided I would know the truth in the morning.

By the time I was getting to bed I had a change of perspective in life. I saw the need to have an active relationship and constant conversation with God, and not saving my prayers for bedtime. Saving my prayers for bedtime whereas I have the whole day to pray, confess, repent, give thanksgiving seemed to ring a loud no-no.The moment is now: when I blunder I confess and ask for forgiveness at that exact moment. No waiting because it may be too late.

Yesterday went and today came-technically though it was all today. I woke up today, and found everything intact. The world was still up and running and boy, wasn't I glad. Honestly, the whole experience opened my eyes to the reality and truth that no-one knows when the world may end therefore we best be prepared for the unexpected. So, are you prepared for the sounding of the trumpet?

Till next time: Theng'e signing out!


  1. Nice.. i like this it made me laugh n think twice bwt my own lyf. good stuff --Sudi

  2. This is great stuff love! I've been thinking along the same lines too...end of the world and whether I'm ready for it. Bottom line: there's no point in for a man to gain the whole world, only to lose his soul.

    btw, did you find out what that sound was? :D

  3. Sheena, thanks. Funny. I didn't find out what the sound was and the later in the day someone texted me something about the end of the world. Coincedence?I don't think so.
    Sudi, thanks man.
