Thursday, 19 January 2012

Got the Guts?

It's amazing what people will put on internet, from tardy to downright disgusting. Ranging from pictures to videos to sounds-ah!It is so annoying. Recently I bumped into one of these and my oh my was I grossed out. The intention of this particular was good but it didn't help the fact that it was utterly disgusting!

Twas an informative piece warning women to wash their inner wears before wearing them. Gnarly. I thought I had the stomach to see it but boy wasn't I wrong. ( To see what I'm talking about check out Be warned if you are not strong do not look at the pictures) So, my friend opened the site and we began to read the text. Actually it was me who opened the site-I was feeling all 'super hero'; nothing could get to me...but this. We read and of course there was a warning on the content; and after psyching each other up we looked. What followed next was a sight I knew I would never forget, and not in a nice way. Utterly disturbing (psychologically and mentally) pictures. SCREAM!!!!AAAAHH!!

I closed my eyes upon seeing the first picture and began regretting why I ever went to that site. I tried to forget it and block it but to no avail. My friend was also grossed out but she was stronger than me. Needless to say she laughed at me and thanked God that she could easily block out what she didn't want to remember.The image just kept playing and playing in my head like a broken record, on and on, 'Somebody make it stop!' As Mojo Jojo from the Power Puff Girls would say, 'Curses!!!!!'. ...for having such an imaginative mind. Next time you hear someone say 'Curiosity killed the cat,' listen lest you end up as the dead cat. In this situation, I was the 'sleek cat' that plummeted into the raging waters...and died. I acted all 'super hero' thinking that looking at the pics would not disturb me but I'm  paying for it now.

Lesson learnt: Don't you ever test the power of the mind. If you know you cannot handle something, do not bother with it. Leave it alone. Flee and flee fast because the mind can be impossible. It never, never forgets and you don't want to end up traumatised- wishing there was a way you could wash your brain and rid yourself of all the nasty things you've seen/ heard.

Till the next time: Theng'e signing out!

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